Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Where's Danni!?

As you will probably be able to tell by the proper spelling, Danni isn't helping with this post.
First things first; it snowed! a lot. On Friday night it began to snow. Then on Saturday it kept snowing. FINALLY it stopped about 2am Sunday. It snowed a grand total of 22 inches! The snow outside goes up to my knee! Winter break was supposed to start tomorrow after a half day but because if the snow, it started early! Yay!
Shoveling that snow was hard! We (my brother and I) shoveled twice in one day and STILL had to shovel the next day. It was awful! I was sore for days! We finally did get the sidewalk and driveway through. We even managed to dig out the van.
Yesterday we went sledding, but we could only sled where the snow had already been packed down because otherwise it was too deep to successfully sled. Brendan (brother) hit a huge bump and faceplanted in the snow. It was cold yet hilarious :)
Then Brendan and I made this EPIC igloo (pictured above) in our backyard and it fits both of us AND our dog. It's pretty sweet... you're jealous, don't lie!

If you have snow, how are you enjoying it? If you don't have snow, what are you doing to entertain yourself this winter break?



Monday, December 14, 2009


Hello People of WORLD WIDE WEB!!

'Dis be our blog. It's super. It's awesome. AND it's epic! can't get much better than that.

OK, introductions! We are the bestest people. Danni and Robyn! YAY!
There's not much more than that... well, Danni, would you like to say a little about yourself?...

...Do I?...ummm suree..i am a person..crazy i know...I eat cannibals and cant spell..wow u have no idea how many times I had to ACTUALLY retype THIS sentence...ya..how bout u robyn *dot dot dot*...

OKEY! I am Robyn and I like pretty ponies. Well, incognito ponies to be more precise. Yeah, you wish you understood. I like to eat the innocent children of the world. The bad ones can stay alive because they are more fun.

Anything else to add, Danni?

um...I don't think so except that Robyn is OCD...u?

Excuse me, but you misused most of that punctuation and "u" by itself is not a word. I am NOT OCD! Jeeze!
